The Golden K has been truly golden this past week. The change in seasons is increasingly evident in the cool mornings and evenings, the early setting sun, and strikingly in the color of the leaves. Especially those leaves from the Black Oaks that periodically rain yellow and orange leaves from the sky and onto, well, onto everything.
Each season this first year at the GK is new for us. Summer was wonderful, and now Autumn is simply beautiful. The warm temps in the mid seventies this past week is to some degree guilt free since we’ve had a considerable amount of rain – much higher than normal – at this point in the season. We continue to pray for a very wet winter but meanwhile are truly loving the goldeness of the Golden K.
During an early afternoon walk around the property I was taken back by the beauty of this day and season and stopped to take a few photos while feeling truly grateful for the golden blessings we have up here on the hill.
Such gorgeous autumnal light!
I’m still in awe at the beauty of our surroundings. I hope I never take it for granted… 🙂